Negotiation Update
There has been only one round of negotiations (december 2, 3 and 4) since the change of government. This new Liberal governement still has not released their mandate so it causes disruptions in our negotiation process. Our scheduled dates in February and March were used for designations, greivances and mediation. The team continues to work hard to enhance the rights and benefits for the members. Your support helps to solidify the goals and acheivements that we are reaching for.
Negotiation Update
Our next round of negotiations which were scheduled for May 12, 13 and 14, 2015 have been cancelled by the employer due to "NO MANDATE" from our new government. This is very frustrating to us all - now is the time we need to lobby our MLAs to pressure this government to allow us to continue to negotiate a new collective agreement.
Negotiation Update
Well finally...we have an official mandate from our new Government! Negotiations have resumed and we worked diligently to achieve gains for our membership. We are into the last leg of our negotiations which entail money, hours etc. which we know, will be hard rounds! The team works tirelessly to maintain our gains and secure future benefits.
Negotiation Update - June 16, 17 and 18, 2015
"We continue to work diligently to achieve a collective agreement for all. The Negotiating process is a slow, continuous dialogue between both parties, your Union and the Employer. This can be very frustrating at times for your Team as well as the membership.
If we could speed up the achievement of a new Collective Agreement, we most definitely would! We know that the membership has been waiting for a new Agreement to be signed and we thank you so much for your patience and support during this time.
Unfortunately, we were not able to sign off on any articles during this round of Negotiations, but we are back at the table for hard bargaining on July 7th, 8th and 9th. We are hopeful that the next round will be more productive."
If we could speed up the achievement of a new Collective Agreement, we most definitely would! We know that the membership has been waiting for a new Agreement to be signed and we thank you so much for your patience and support during this time.
Unfortunately, we were not able to sign off on any articles during this round of Negotiations, but we are back at the table for hard bargaining on July 7th, 8th and 9th. We are hopeful that the next round will be more productive."
Negotiation Update - July 7, 8 and 9, 2015
continue to toil at the negotiation table as we are continually told about the
economic situation of the province, which we did not create, so it is a constant
effort to try and achieve anything. This is beyond frustrating for each of us
and has lingered for more than we hoped for. We now know that their mandate is
to give very little (close to nothing) and ask us to give them more!! This is
not our plan – to make concessions – we deserve more!!
They are not willing to give decent wage increases, hours or guarantees and they want our retirement allowance as was previously disclosed…….this is not fair bargaining.
We will maintain our stance for what we want and retain what we have. We are asking for your full and repeated support in all our up and coming endeavors, we need you and remember YOU ARE THE UNION!!!
We are hoping to tour the province in early September and hear from you, so please come out and support your union.
We are scheduled to return to the bargaining table in mid September, think of us and know that we are there for everybody in CUPE 2745!!
We thank you for your never-ending support!!!
They are not willing to give decent wage increases, hours or guarantees and they want our retirement allowance as was previously disclosed…….this is not fair bargaining.
We will maintain our stance for what we want and retain what we have. We are asking for your full and repeated support in all our up and coming endeavors, we need you and remember YOU ARE THE UNION!!!
We are hoping to tour the province in early September and hear from you, so please come out and support your union.
We are scheduled to return to the bargaining table in mid September, think of us and know that we are there for everybody in CUPE 2745!!
We thank you for your never-ending support!!!
Negotiation Update - September 14th and 15th, 2015
The last 2 days entailed good and frank discussions between the teams We worked amicably together to move closer to a mutual agreement, We are scheduled to return to the table November 30th, December 1st, 7th, 8th and 9th. The lapse in time is because of scheduling limits on both sides. Your negotiation team appreciates your kind words of support and your patience.
Negotiation Update - December 2015
Negotiations have been postponed by mutual agreement, between the union and the employer until after the holidays.