Each workplace that has 20 or more employees must have a Joint Health & Safety Committee as per section 14 (1) of the Occupational Health & Safety Act. This means that at each school, District Office or alternate worksite that has 20 employees or more (both bargaining and non-bargaining), must have a workplace Health & Safety Committee and must have a representative from CUPE 2745.
The CUPE 2745 Workplace Health & Safety Representative should be chosen by the CUPE 2745 members in that workplace as per section 14 (3) of the Occupational Health & Safety Act. There must be monthly meetings - with minutes, and a workplace inspection by members of the committee each month. If you sit on this committee you should receive the WorkSafe education program within 12 months.
For workplaces with less than 20 employees - please see article 28.03 of our collective agreement
The CUPE 2745 Workplace Health & Safety Representative should be chosen by the CUPE 2745 members in that workplace as per section 14 (3) of the Occupational Health & Safety Act. There must be monthly meetings - with minutes, and a workplace inspection by members of the committee each month. If you sit on this committee you should receive the WorkSafe education program within 12 months.
For workplaces with less than 20 employees - please see article 28.03 of our collective agreement
Know your Rights - There are 3 fundamental rights as an employee
1. Right to knowall employees have a right to receive the training to do the job safely and should be made aware of: workplace hazards, safe work procedures and emergency procedures
2. Right to participate all employees have the right to
participate in solving health & safety problems and in the identification and control of workplace hazards |
3. Right to refuseall employees have the right to refuse work they believe is dangerous to
their health or safety or to that of others |
WorkSafe - Form 67
CUPE 2745 Violent Incident Report
Right to Refuse |
Right to refuse - Work Refusal Flow Chart |